Mastering Exocad Series: Intermediate
You will uncover techniques to enhance your proficiency in advanced CAD design.
Dates: March 28, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Styledent LLC, 2828 Casa Aloma Way, Suite 400, Winter Park, FL 32792
Credits: 6 Credit Hours
Price: $999 (Per Person)
Designed For: Dentists, Dental Assistants, & Dental Technicians
Learning Objectives:
-Plan and design three-unit bridge.
-Plan and design a single implant supported restoration.
-Principles of mesh importation and alignment.
-Utilize virtual articulation for accurate occlusal analysis and adjustment.
-Convert scene files to .STL format.
-Concept of digital cross-mounting for occlusal analysis and bite vent creation.
-Plan and execute tooth extraction workflows.
-Access and utilize various anatomical libraries.
Dimitri Tsichlis, CDT
Dimitri Tsichlis is an experienced master dental technician with a dental technology degree from Édouard-Montpetit College in Quebec, Canada. Mr. Tsichlis is an active lecturer and expert in his field. He is a member of the American College of Prosthodontists association and a KOL for Amann Girrbach, an international dental materials and technology company. He is also the owner of Styledent, a dental lab with locations in Canada and the USA.
Instagram: @dimitritsichlis
Disclosure: Mr. Tsichlis is Co-Owner of SGT Dental Solutions LLC, Styledent LLC, & Styledent Inc